Tuesday, April 27, 2010

These are a few of my favorite things...

I’m not as eloquent of a writer as Kerry, so my posts will probably tend to be very vanilla and jump around a lot, so I’ll apologize for that in advance.

As Kerry said before, these first posts will be catch up, so I’ll fill you in on how I’m catching up my life from my baby girl ranking to a mom. We moved into our current apartment shortly after our wedding last year, and as embarrassed as I am to say, it’s been very sparsely furnished since then. Like, not even up to “poor college kid” status. We had a futon in our last apartment and that got the job done, but between my two giant children (Kerry and Maymie), they had that thing broken down in no time. I’m sure you’re saying to yourself, “That’s awesome news Kristin, time to upgrade!” If only we were that logical. Needless to say, our fix included a trip to Home Depot and some plywood..Im sure you can now see the pride and joy I have for my beautiful new couch. =] We’ve also gotten all of our wall art put up. Our empty cave is beginning to feel very cozy. Step 1: Turn a house into a home. Check.

I said we put them up, I never said they were filled. ;]

My very own Vanna White. "Now as you can see, this couch displays roomy seating accommodations for several people, or one giant." Love you.


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