Sunday, April 25, 2010

Welcome to the Island of the Honest man...

Yay! This'll be post number two. That means that our blog has doubled in size, it has increased by 100%. I am so excited for all of you who have stuck with us this far, that means you mom. I promise I wont get excited by amount of posts again until we get to number ten.
So we found out we were pregnant about eight weeks ago after I got into a car wreck. My poor little alero was turned into an accordion and Kristin's body was turned into a coffee pot to brew up a baby. Since then her eating habits have changed a little mostly for the worse. She doesn't like to eat much, and when she thinks she really needs to eat its just her brain playing tricks on her. I know many pregnant ladies go through this but I was certain that I wanted to find a solution to her eating. After thinking long and hard I remembered the one thing that she would never pass up. Lunchables. The tiny pizzas in a plastic case made on a cracker with the worst smelling red sauce in the world and fake cheese. But I was right, she did like them, and she at them. The only other thing that we have gone out of the way to get that isn't usually part of our shopping list was cookies. Great Value chocolate chip cookies. Here's a picture so all of you can get cookie envy.

That's right they are awesomified by the amplification by the close up on the camera lens.


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