Wednesday, April 28, 2010

What ever lies beyond this morning is a little later on

So I knew before we got pregnant that there would be lots of sacrifices and I know that we have only scraped the top of the soap bar. Still some times it just seems like we lose some the things that we see as so important, things like money and time, but we know that for those things we are going to get something so much better. There are some things that we lose though that most people know they are going to lose but I didn't expect to for another month or two. The thing that I'm talking about is sleep. Every one was aware that when they have a baby there will be some nights where you lose sleep, but I didn't think that I'd have to deal with it until Kristin was five or six months and then after the baby was born.
I know that most people reading this think that they know what is going on and perhaps they do but really it sounds better when you hear it written down like this. So first of all I sleep very deep and apparently I move quite a lot and am not very nice in my sleep. I have always been told that I steal blankets and elbow people in the back, but now I am being told that I breathe too loud. I'm not exactly sure whats wrong with breathing but apparently I do it too loudly. maybe if some one turned my nose the volume would go down, either way i got woke up four times the other night for breathing.
Kristin takes up more bed. I don't mean that to sound mean because she doesn't take up more room she just spreads out more. Now Kris and I are both above average humans and we sleep on a full sized bed. We both hang off the end but we make due with it for now. BUT with Kristin spread out and my nasty habits of beating people up in my sleep we aren't meeting the best hours of sleep. Yay for kids?
Well at least Justin doesn't think I breathe too loudly.


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