Saturday, May 22, 2010


Kerry has been nice enough these past several days to write something so that we had a post everyday, because right before we headed home from Kansas I got sick. Normally being sick sucks, but being sick while pregnant is worse because your body already feels run down to begin with, and you can't take anything but wussy medicine to cure yourself. In our house if you're feeling cruddy you just take some Nyquil and sleep it off, and it's on my "no-no" list, so it's been a hard road. I normally have terrible allergies, and I think that's all it is for the most part. My head is the size of a small planet, and filled to the brim. Basically I've been miserable, and have had to work regardless. I'm slowly starting to feel better, but I still can't breathe out of my nose. It's been a pity party these past few days if you couldn't tell. ;) Luckily I have an awesome nurse to take care of me and feel sorry for me as well. :) I'll try not to complain as much in the future, and make real posts!

Yes America, that's me in all my glory, sick bed and all. Note how my mouth is a gaping black hole; you can guarantee that I've eaten more than my quota of 8 spiders in my sleep...


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