Thursday, May 6, 2010

Sun Rise, Sun Set

So Kristin and I were talking the other day and I just thought I'd put our thoughts up as the blog today. We were talking about the baby and about how it was coming into being. I guess the whole science part of the project kinda makes us a little bit dorky but its what we enjoy. We make sure we follow the week by week in several apps on the iphone and the month by month in What to Expect when You're Expecting.As we follow along in that its hard to fathom that our baby has changed from a slightly alien creature and is turning into a perfect human being. What's even harder to understand is the design.
Its hard to look at life in general and just think that stuff just happened into being. I mean nothing just happens into being so how do we assume that life does. Our baby came from two creatures and took parts from both of those creatures. But how in that tiny form of an egg and sperm cell is there enough to create a six foot tall girl or me? Its hard to believe that some one just said well lets pick two people and throw them together and see if we can create another one. But not only create another person but another soul, another mind. How is it possible that people are able to create life. I can only think that its possible through an act of God. I'm sure that life could not be created without Gods help.
The complexity of a baby being made just astounds me. I know that most people are going to read this and just think I'm dumb because I didn't think of this before. But did you know that a babies guts don't grow inside the baby? Even if you did know that right there is just like, "High five God, show em what's up." I just can't fathom how some one can see that we are grown in pieces and then put together, live the first few months of our life breathing liquid and then the rest of it air, and still think that we just happened to be. When the bible says that you are beautifully and wonderfully made its not kidding. A babies creation is the greatest production we can be a part of.
I guess what I'm mostly focused on is that though we are not all immaculately conceived we are all miraculously conceived. Oh and here's a picture of what God put outside our house every day.



  1. Your child is going to have one of the most interesting bringing ups as any child. You guys are so cool to talk about such literal things...and I know this little baby will be talked to in the same manner. How absolutly wonderful that God put the two of you together and you are walking in His love and will bring up your children to love Him as much as you do. So very proud of you two...yep tears again!

  2. I don't see how anyone could be created without God in the picture. I'll have to talk to my dad and get back to you. (He's an atheist.) BTW, I got a chuckle when you said it has changed from a slightly alien creature into a perfect human being. A perfect human? Can anyone say oxymoron???

  3. Every baby is a miracle and a gift from God. Looking at my five year old and realizing that according to textbooks he should not be as perfect as he is reminds me of God's power every day. As the doctors all said when I was pregnant with him, "at your age anything can go wrong." They just didn't have the trust in God and in miracles that I did. He was sent to us for a reason and he has given us all an education of his own.
