Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I like turtles.

So as you can see, we’re already well on our way preparing for baby. We’ve got the basics, and now we just need to confirm the sex of the baby so we can start in on the details. Our sonogram for that will be at 20 weeks, which we’re currently in week 14 (2nd trimester, woo!), so we’ve got about a month to go, I figure it’ll be around the middle of June. Of course I can’t wait for several reasons, putting a title on the baby, him/her, and seeing it again!! I swear I’m obsessed with my own kid, sonograms are amazing, wish I could get one everyday, ha! I love shopping though, so it’ll broaden my horizons, so to say. And my mom has so graciously offered to make our bedding, like she did for all 3 of us kids, so it’ll definitely be easier to pick out fabric after that. I have a very eclectic style, so I’m excited to pick out some new stuff, get hand-me-downs, and garage sale it up! We’re just really excited for every step. I’m finally starting to look like I’m having a baby, not just have a really bad muffin top. Finding clothes is proving to be a challenge, so for now I’m just wearing capris and shorts like they’re going out of style. I keep teasing Kerry and saying that by the time November rolls around I’ll be wearing a small pup tent. I’m anxious to get to that point so that we can meet baby, but I’m also enjoying being pregnant. I’ve had a relatively easy time, pretty mild morning sickness, no throwing up, and none of the other icky symptoms. I have however had to pee every 20 seconds, and I’ve had a lot of pain with my sciatic nerve. Basically, there’s a pinched nerve in the base of my spine, it either feels like someone has a knuckle jammed in my back, or lightening that shoots clear down my leg, and it’s only going to get worse the bigger we both (baby and I) get. Good thing I have a high pain tolerance. :) We pray daily for baby and I to both stay healthy, so I know that I’ll be able to handle whatever comes my way.

My miracle food..I could literally live on these!

Dun dun "bump" as you've all been calling it. Look at how fabulous and glorious it is.



  1. What does this have to do with you liking turtles? I love the picture of you! We need to get you these clothes to you so you have something to wear!


    I couldn't think of a title, so that's how this gem came to be. And yeah, I haven't attempted to try any of my normal clothes on in awhile, I've been enjoying stretchy pants. lol

  3. I LOVE pizza lunchables! My hubby makes fun of me when I eat them. He says I look like I'm seven. LOL.

  4. Good hair is long lady! Kerry told me about the title
