Today was our last day in Colorado and that is really hard for me. I really miss my family a lot and I wish that I could be around them more than I am. So we went to the mall today, and then to the book store. But lets not get a head of ourselves. At the mall we had Mom, Dad, and Braeden along with the rest of the cast. Well as you well know if you have been keeping up we didn't bring our stroller so when we got to the mall we had to rent one. The one we rented was a bit... wrong for a car seat to hold so Brae got to sit in it while Sawyer rode in the one my parents have.
Braeden liked the seat I think. Though I'm not sure if he realized that it was in the shape of a car what I do know that he figured out was where my parents kept their drinks behind him. He's to smart for all these car seats. Some day we'll have to just get him a ball so he can roll around in it. (For those of you who don't know what I mean by this no worries... I'm sure no one else does either.) But the mall was fun and very interesting to shop around in with strollers. Going up and down the escalator was a ton of fun. I'm not sure if it is approved of but when you are already half way up what are you going to do?
After the mall was Barnes and Noble, which I had a gift card to. Sadly I didn't bring it like I thought I did. So I didn't get to get the book I wanted. But I did get to look at the Nooks and I decided I wanted one of those.
After the mall it was nearly time to leave and so we packed up all our stuff and headed out. I did have to take one more picture which I will post on tomorrows blog though.
The trip back to Kansas didn't seem that long and was fairly uneventful. Once we arrived we went to Kristin's grandma's house because that was where every one was sleeping. The other house was getting a new heater and so we had to stay out of it for a few days. It was okay because we got to sleep in a bed still and I didn't feel like I was imposing to much. Also Maymie was real excited to see us. Any time we left to go get something from the car she would come to the door like she was asking to go with us. Night night.
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