We went to the store and got all the fun things we could for Stephanie's Sentsy party. Then we cut the fruit and baked the cookies, I made my famous rice crispy treats, and we were ready for the party. All the people came and smelled and ate and bought and it turned out to be pretty neat. I guess it was good to be one of the girls? Nah not really. But it was kinda fun.
Now I want to prepare you for the greatness that happened next. So take a breath, and give yourselves a pinch just so you that you are sure that this isn't a dream. Also a disclaimer: Yes these are true events and everything that happened in the story happened in real life. If your life isn't as fun then just keep reading the blog.
Justin had made it home and Kristin was on her way over with a "surprise" for Justin. When she arrived she was decked out in all emo. It looked like some one had opened up an ocean of black and sadness and dunked her a few times. Because of this emo dunking she was acting a like a child just released from a Barney concert. Crazy!
Her being hyped up got the rest of us hyped up and when we are hyped up you know what it is we do. We go to IHOP. The international house of Performance!!!! Not really we just REALLY LIKE PANCAKES!! This was good because when we got there we found out that they were having an all you can eat pancakes. YES!! So we went in sat down and the server came. He was a smaller dude and we knew that we were going to take a long time to order. Partly because we always do and also because Kristin wasn't really focusing on the ordering. She was more worried about messing with people. Like poking and being annoying. So I kindly told the dude to come back after he graduated high school.... that totally came out wrong. *hits self in face* I really didn't mean to be a jerk to the kid but it happened.
The food came and with it came the pooping hippo. What!!@#254525~ Not okay Kristin. She took a purple hippo, which I'm sure will some day make an appearance, and started pretending it was pooping in our glasses and then would tell us that we had hippo poop in our glasses. Am I in the second grade? Can't we just eat? What is wrong with you? We have a child! I think all of these things are expressed on the picture here where I am very angry. It almost looks as if I was holding my hand in disgust.
I know that you must think it stops there but it doesn't. No we ate our food and I had a refill on the shrimp twice and the second time, so my third plate, the manager brought it out. I suppose just to see if I was really the one eating it. I could have eaten more but at this point I think we were annoying the natives. You see there was an older lady who had come in with her grand daughter for a delicious meal at IHOP. If you had seen her you would have thought she was forced to take the girl out. She was so unhappy the whole time and we didn't make her any happier with our loud speaking and erupting laughter. There was also a family of five eating. Parents and three daughters. The mother looked like some one had taken her eyebrows and pinned them up a bit to high on her forehead. We received the evil eye from her several times during the meal. Once we had decided that it was time for us to make our exit her high eyebrows followed us to the parking lot where we got into my car. Once all in Stephanie got out again and ran, as quickly as her pregnant body could take her, around the car for a Chinese fire drill. In the spirit of good health we stared at the family through the window as they stared back at us. Then we drove off. And then we drove back around the IHOP so we could wave goodbye to them.
For some reason that wasn't enough of a night for Justin so he started tagging us in places on the way home. One of those places was Marcus High School. The rumor is that we were all streaking through the quad. Sawyer ran the fastest. Yay us! I hope you have nights just as EPIC!!! Ta.
P.N. Tagging is a term used for saying some one is someplace on facebook. Justin said we were at Marcus High School. That's for all you who don't know what tagging is.
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