I've heard it said that the first day back to work is the hardest day, but In five days when I haven't had a day off I'll disagree that the first day back is the worst. I do always like going back to work though, because I know that if I didn't ever work I would just get really bored and probably drive people insane. At least I would drive them more insane than I do right now. Except that the first day I was back at work I am sure that I drove so many people insane. Of course they drive me insane and as proof of that I have this picture of what was up at the service desk when I came back. Thank goodness they decided not to put my phone number up there or else I may have had some really odd calls. Thanks guys.
Kristin was off today, lucky, and she spent most of her day unpacking. I guess that is kind of like work. She unloaded all our suitcases and set them by the door because in less than a month they will all be in a different house. So we didn't pack them back into the closet. (Speaking of which the closet in our new house has more room.)
After all of the work we went over and hung out with Justin and Stephanie for a while. We needed to pick up all the boxes they saved from their move and take them to our house. Justin and I made a trip of it and now the is a clusterbox all over my house. Still we do need the boxes so it is a blessing to not have to go and campaign for them.
Maymie doesn't know what to do with all the mess around the house. She isn't really sure about us moving, I'm not sure she'll like it. Either way we are getting things under way and its going to stay busy around here. Ta
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