I guess it sounds a little like a rant but its not really. I'm actually very excited that the whole world is having boys right now. Kristin and I, which if you are ready this blog and didn't know we were having a boy you are a retard. Then there is her sister Lee Ann. If you read yesterdays you saw Alexa and she is having a boi, which is close to a boy but its much cooler. Then there are these two viscously pregnant girls I work with Jordan and Ashlee who are both having boys. Finally my mom just had a boy at the end of last year. The only reason I bring this up is that it makes it very hard when every one else is having a boy for us to a pick a name for ours. Not that the challenge isn't invigorating and push us to where the side walk ends. But it is kind of like we are falling up and we are getting no where. But for all of you who have looked the the names we came up with, and sent us some, we will post those that I have had the most request for tomorrow.
Now as in closing this blog lets think of next year when all of these boys are coming on to one year of age. How exciting is it to think of all these kids growing up in the same world.
Or think of when they all want girl friends and find out that this is the decade of the "boys" :/