Monday, June 28, 2010

Shant! Not Shanty, but Shant.

Today was crazy at work, at least the second half of work. The first half was relatively boring and dull. But I'll tell you that when I got back from lunch there was quite a riot at the service desk. Nothing like customers stealing things and trying to bring them back. In the end I was able to call the cops and we still lost money, how does that work. But I vote for what Sleshi said on the subject, "I don't follow policy for thieves."
Following that there was a great storm that came. When I say great I mean that I was excited to see it. When we looked outside, to the south, there was a line of black billowing clouds (ominous Karter?), with the clouds there was lighting and we heard the thunder beat like the heartbeat of the storm. A little while one there was a sprinkle and then the shower. There wasn't much rain with the storm but the light show and sound effects were good.
When storms get really bad Kristin is not to good with them so I called her up and found that she was thankfully not alone but with Alexa. The two girls hung out most of the night and ended up going to Kroger where Kris nearly slipped. She talked to one of the associates about it and he didn't seem to care, I think she's sending an email to cooperate. Hopefully they will pay more attention to pregnant girls with slippery feet when they are talking to them
Okay so the picture is way up there and the reason for it is way down here. The name I'm dissecting today is Shant. When I looked it up it was a very hard name to find and I only found one meaning, delight. I will now bring your attention to the picture because it it Turkish Delighted, yes the very same that Edmund asks the queen for in Narnia. I thought about putting a picture up of afternoon delight but decided that it might be inappropriate. I do think that the name is written so that people would be delighted to meet the person, or that others would delight in them. The meaning behind delight is basically adore.
And now for a Shanty that I hope you delight in:
Fifteen men on a dead mans chest
Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum
Drink and a devil had done for the rest
Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum


P.N.(It stands for post note) Here are two excellent Pirate Shanties:

1 comment:

  1. Daddy says that Shant actually means Shall not....and how about living in a Shanty Shack? ;)
