Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I'm like a Furbee, "Yummmmmmmmmm"

Well, it's finally happened: I'm feeling pretty darn pregnant. I'm completely unmotivated, unless it involves eating or sleeping. I'm turning into a dog! Kerry has been working opposite schedules of me, so luckily he doesn't have to witness this atrocity. I really am hungry all the time, but logically I know a tiny bit of it is boredom when he's not home. Never to fear though, I'm not turning into the Michelin Man, I've been told I need to gain some weight. (As a woman, this is both good and bad: #1) I don't have to worry about being fat! #2) I have to worry about being fat later. =/) I lost a significant amount of weight in the first trimester, so I'm not even back up to my pre-pregnancy weight yet, so I'm not worried about getting fat. (Evidentally the rest of the world is though?) I'm well aware that baby weight is some sort of mutated substance that clings to your body eternally, so my goal isn't to get fat, trust me. What most men don't realize though is that yes, a woman may gain 30 pounds during pregnancy, but guess what, at least half of that is baby and other "materials" that I'm sure you can figure out on your own. Everyone wants to be thin, but is it really the end of the world if I'm 10 pounds heavier? My husband will still love me, my family will, and I'll still be the same person, just fatter. (Sorry, there's my token rant for the day.) I'll wrap this up so that I can go have a bowl of cereal and go to bed. ;]

My typical buffet, a mixture of healthy and not so healthy. Whaddya gonna do, when else in my life can I eat pizza rolls followed by applesauce followed by a cucumber and not get a second glance? I never said I didn't play the "I'm pregnant and eating for two" card! ;]

Here's the next two "groups" as Kerry calls them.

Group C
Braxton, Kevin, CeJay, Tegan, Cash, Holden, Estavon, Andrew, and Embry.

Group D
Ethan, Jonathan, Jace, Reagan, Greyson, Eden, Jake, Adrion, and Damon.



  1. I had an "Ice cream and pickles moment" today. I totally wanted malt-o-meal with bananas and chocolate chips. It was so dang good! :D I'd totally be eating with you... then you could go to yoga with me. It's so great. (not that you need to at all.. but i love it because it's relaxing)

    Group C- Holden and Embry
    Group D- Greyson and Ethan

  2. Yoga would probably be very beneficial to me actually, my doctor said it would help stretch out my sciatic nerve. I've just made fun of it for so long that I can't bring myself to do it. lol

  3. Obviously I think Tegan is weird for a boy ;) lol since that is my nieces name. I like most of the names in Group D the best so far.
