So I know that everyone reading this will be like, "WHOA, Kristin is writing again? Are pigs flying? Did Lil' Wayne get released from jail? Is OJ really innocent?", and the answer is yes, not quite, no, and of course not, silly goose. I'm sure anyone who has been pregnant before can sympathize with me that the last 6 weeks is pretty brutal. Even if you haven't been, I'm sure you can at least agree with the fact that carrying around an almost 2 foot long, 5-8 pound human being inside of a tiny sac in your abdomen can't be very fun, or comfortable. Pretty much ever since we got home from Kansas I've been "out of commission", but even more so over the last week or so. My feet are like, 4 times the size they should be and hurt really stinkin' bad to walk on, I've got baby's body jabbing out and poking me everywhere, I'm tired all the time, I have to pee every hour on the hour, and to top all that off I still have to work. [End Whinefest '10.] I'm extremely grateful to have a body, despite all it's pain, that will safely and effectively carry a baby to full term, and I'm definitely beyond blessed that He chose me to be this little guy's mom. I'm also very lucky to have a reliable job, even if it isn't so fun to go to sometimes, and the salary that comes with it. Most of all I am completely and utterly, beyond words, blessed to have such a wonderful man in my life that puts up with all of this and keeps me afloat when I can't quite do it by myself. Kerry has been so good with keeping up with this blog, because frankly, I've been unmotivated to write anything. I come home from work, and I either have plans to do something to prepare for the baby, or I just want to sleep, so it's easy for me to put it off and say that I'll do it later. Did I mention that I'm the world's biggest procrastinator? Because I pretty much am. Especially with school and writings of any sort. So thank you Kerry, for keeping our blog alive and well for the internets to enjoy.
Today wasn't really eventful, we both had opening shifts at work, mine shorter than his, so when we got off we just wanted to relax and chill, so that's just what we did. I put on my best "puppy dog eyes" face and got him to give in to ordering pizza, so we had that for dinner and watched the newest episode of Grey's Anatomy. Can I just say that I love that show? And that it's weird, because we're getting the seasons on discs through Netflix and working beginning to end, but also keeping caught up with the recent episodes through Hulu. Doesn't make much sense does it..neither does anything else we do. =]

I have a Sunday ritual of buying the newspaper and clipping coupons, and after having a bunch of good ones expire I decided to organize them so that I know what I had. I got baseball card protector sheets and organized them by category to make all of them accessible at once. Yes, I'm the biggest dork I know. =D