Sunday, September 12, 2010

No one knows my name....

Pictures of driving home are mostly of the dog in the back seat of the car looking very angsty. I know you have all seen them many times and I know they are cute. But today I decided to let you glimpse these two beautiful pictures. The first is Nathan and the second is Kristin and Kayla just before the Homecoming Dance. Oh doesn't she look pregnant and doesn't she look pretty?
Today we left pretty early in the morning and showed up at home at around eight. I know we were both bushed but we did what we always do once we get home from a trip. We went out and shopped. I will say proudly that we didn't shop at my Wal-Mart because that would have been embarrassing. On the other hand at the Wal-Mart we did shop at there were carts all over the parking lot. So as to keep our car from getting pummeled by the string of loose carts, I took some of those carts and set up a barrier around the car. Not the whole car just the side that was unprotected by another vehicle.

So we shopped, we are still trying to get the hang of this WIC business. I kinda feel weird walking through the store with a guide in my hand of what I need to buy and how much of it I can get. I feel as if I'm on a strict diet or like I am in a shopping class. You need to buy this but not that, eat this and not that, cook this and not that. Wait isn't that a book?
Either way we left the store and came out to the car and noticed that the barricade I put up was housing two carts. Which means that I probably did save our car from getting hit. Either that or someone just got lazy and saw all of those carts there so just threw them in.
I love living on the second floor. I think the higher up the better. But there is one thing I do not love about living on the second floor. That thing is climbing those steps millions of times in one night because we went shopping and we needed to also take our luggage up the stairs. I hate you stairs, I hate you luggage. But you are a necessity. Thank you for you luggage and stairs. Or else I would have to only wear one pair of clothes on every trip and learn how to jump very high.


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