Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Showers of Babies!

Ahhhhh! Real monsters! Not really, and if any of you catch that reference many props to you. But really we are going to have to clean out the closet today and go through all of our boxes! Ahhh. But not yet, I have to go to work. Enjoy world, waiting as I work through the day, enjoy. I'll be back for you boxes.
Okay so work took a little longer than I thought it would and so I was only barley home in time for us to clean out the closet. Stephanie and Justin were coming over so that Stephanie and Kristin could make up the baby shower invites. And of course we needed to get all of the closet cleaning and house cleaning done before they came over.
So we went to the closet outside and pulled all of the stuff out of it. There was a lot of stuff! We drug it all inside and started going through it marking off things that we needed and things that we needed to get rid of. I went through my old boxes of stuff and found letters from girls that I use to know, yes some from old girlfriends, and Kristin was kind enough to tell me I could keep them if I wanted to. I didn't for all of you girls out there who think I'm an awful person. I wouldn't want to make you mad two blogs in a row. (Fond memories of that name I revealed eh?) I got rid of a lot of junk our of those boxes and then of course I kept a bunch of junk out of those boxes. I need some of that junk, so we put it back in the box and packed it up. I think we got rid of about 50% of stuff or at least condensed it down that much smaller. I'm sure if you look in the picture here you will see that some of the things we are getting rid of are the television Kristin had, and we are taking LeeAnn and Harry's dog crate back to them.
Well after we had started loading the closet back up the rain came down. It came down nicely at first and then it started to pour. An awesome shower of water covered the ground from our house to Justin and Steph's. Which made it hard for them to drive over here, so did stupid drivers. But they made it here and Steph and Kris went to work on the baby shower stuff while Justin and I went to work goofing off. It was a good evening. I think we ate stuff but I"m not sure what and then they went home, but I'm not sure when. I know its not a fufilling conclusion, but I'm running on like no sleep. Night Night.


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