Tuesday, September 21, 2010

You're getting my red mark to come out!

When you get up in the morning and you check your banking account and the first thing you see is a negative sign you never feel good about yourself. But most of the time when it happens you probably are going to get mad. I know I was when I checked the account this morning. You see Kristin and I are very meticulous when it comes to buying things. We know whats in there and how much is coming out. The problem is when companies who take money out of your account every month stop taking money out and you have to pay it with a card and then they go back to taking money out of your account. Well that can make for mistakes in your pocket. But no worries we aren't out of money. We have money set aside for when Kristin isn't working and we have to have money. Well we just dunked back into the that account and pulled some out, not much, and walked around hoping they wouldn't charge us an overdraft fee. Thank God they didn't.
Today while I was running I thought of a good idea for a charity, tell me what you think. You know the Livestrong shirts and the events that all of these things put on, be it a marathon, walk-a-thon, or a bake sale. Well I thought of a charity called I 4 Cancer. What this charity would do is give money to many different types of cancer but you would be able to do what ever you want for it. Like if I was running I could get a shirt that would say, "I run 4 cancer." If you were eating or selling and doing anything you would be able to put that on the shirt and any money made would be given to research. So what do you think?
I closed this evening and man I don't understand why some nights there just have to be crazy people trying to return crazy things. Usually those types of things happen all in one night. Well tonight I dealt with customers who called me a liar and returned items worth half a grand. I just don't know how they think they can get away with that. But I guess it is time for all that to happen again, we are heading into the holiday season. Isn't it nice for this to be the first holiday spirit I see. Wonderful.


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