Today marks the beginning of week 35 for us. Not only do I only have 5 more weeks left (if he decides to cooperate and stay in the whole time), but next week will be the start of month nine. Dun dun dunnnn. That's right folks, I'm only 2 short weeks away from being "full term." That means that if he does decide to make his appearance, his little body will be completely ready and capable of functioning on it's own. That is both freaking exciting, and terrifying at the same time. Of course we can't wait to meet him, he's literally been in the making for 9ish months, that's almost a whole year! That's quite awhile to wait to be formally introduced to someone, especially after all the hype that has gone along with all of this. I'm not scared of the actual process, there's no other way to get a baby out other than cutting, and that's not an option for us unless it's medically neccessary, so there's really nothing to be afraid of otherwise, it's gotta happen! I'm just worried that I won't pick up the cues that my body is giving me and won't know that I'm in labor. Everyone says that with your first child it's a really long process, and I'm good with pain and don't think anything of getting cramps or backaches. Afterall, I've got a full size human inside of me, why wouldn't I be in pain? Lately I can't tell the difference between braxton hicks ("practice contractions") and him moving, so I kind of feel left in the dark about what I should be watching for. Whenever I ask my doctor she always just tells me that unless they're stopping me in my tracks and making me wait it out, then I shouldn't worry about it. I guess in my head I'm thinking that I'll barely make it to the hospital in time, or I'll go to work not knowing what's going on and have to leave mid-shift. A lot of women tell me I'll know when my water breaks, but I'm not wanting that to be a public show for obvious reasons, and I don't know a lot of people who have had it happen naturally (without a doctor's assistance). Basically, I'm hoping for a "Here's your sign" type of thing. =]
Once again we both had to work, but we got to hang out with Justin and Stephanie afterwards so all was well with the world. Kerry has been wanting to have a Harry Potter marathon of all the movies before the first half of the last one comes out in theaters, but instead we had to settle for Shutter Island. I think he enjoyed it; Stephanie and I had already seen it in the theater, and Justin had the ending ruined for him by someone so he basically made fun of it the whole time. Thanks Just, we really enjoy having you around. ;] I convinced everyone to get Sonic though since I wanted a drink, so the experience wasn't that bad. If I've learned anything in these past few months, it's that food can fix anything. =D
Here I am with only 5 short weeks to go. Sometimes I feel small and wonder where he's hiding at, and other times I feel a lot like Shamu. (Thanks MOM! lol) I think today was more of a "Kool-Aid Man in a prison jumpsuit" kind of day.
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