Friday, September 24, 2010

I want the gold, show me the gold.

Today I was off, Kristin was off. We thought, okay this is good we don't have to do much until this evening. WRONG! Had to get up early and do a little run this morning, not true, ran a good six miles today. Came home and took a shower while Kristin was out getting her hair done. Well her hair was not done when I was finished with my shower so I went out to get the cake. I drove over to my Wal-mart and picked up this square cake with teal like frosting and green dots and a green bow on top. All in all it was pretty cool, plus it has sweet frosting. While I was at the walls Justin was getting off of work so he followed me back to my place. Before we were back we found out that the hair dresser had messed up Kristin's hair and she needed to redo it when I got back.
Into the bathroom with a cup to wash out all that hair spray I went while Stephanie, who had showed up before we I had returned, took the cake and was on her way over to LeeAnn's house. We took care of the hair and then just as Kristin was finishing up we set out over to LeeAnn's. So much for doing nothing.
LeeAnn's house was decorated, almost. Justin and I hung one more pretty before we got started. It was a lot of fun with burgers, veggie straws (?), and cake. Of course as you can see at the top picture that we had gifts and those are awesome too. We got a ton of stuff such as: Boppies, bottles and stuff, mirrors, diapers, turtles, onsies (I am not sure if this is a real word, nor am I sure if this is how this word would be spelled if it were or is a real word. Don't judge.), a pirate duck and Captain Calamari. Pretty awesome. So in tradition we took this picture, and I put a hook in it. Of course Justin didn't put a hook in it but don't be upset because in all the others we took there were hooks. There may even be a hook in his pocket. No one will ever know.
The night was really good all in all and we are so glad for all of those who were able to come. Thank you so much Stephanie and LeeAnn for putting this on for us, you have no idea how much it means.


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