Thursday, September 16, 2010


So first things first this is a picture of Kristin at my Grandma's house. I know its not as recent as it should be but I thought it was too good a picture to not put up here. Kristin you, with your hair and the sunlight off your skin, are the most beautiful person I know.
Today was a pretty crazy day. Kristin went to work early this morning and was saying that she was having some back pain. I told her to sit down and drink lots of water to see if she could get it to go away. Well it didn't. It stayed around for most of the day and I had to go to work before she got off. So I was texting her on my breaks and what not making sure she was okay. I told her if the pain continued then she should probably call the doctor. Luckily when she got off work and was able to lie down and rest for a bit the kid either got off her back or her body stopped tensing up. Alls well ends well.
It kinda makes you think about stuff when something like that happens though. Things like that happen all the time and they don't always go away. Some times they progress and the baby comes and other times they just continue to hurt. So we thank God that the pain went away and that the baby is still playing hide and go seek with us. We are excited to have him but a few more weeks of waiting wouldn't hurt us or him a bit. Really I guess God is the only one who knows when he'll be here.


1 comment:

  1. I don't comment often, but when I read this I just had to say how sweet you are. To see a young man so in love with his wife, is a joy! Yes she does look very pretty in this pic :)
