Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Another day just not every day.

So Kristin and Sawyer have been in Colby since Sunday, for those of you who can't count that's several days. But three days without them is really killer on me. It might sound a little girlie but I miss them. I am well aware that its okay for a guy to miss his wife and kid but its really weird for me. You see historically I didn't miss very many people, and if I did miss them there wasn't any real effect that it had on me. But I suppose when you change your life for some one it kinda changes you when they leave the picture, even if it is just for a few days. I think that the thing I'm most worried about is him growing up. Its only a few days but in the hospital the kid changed in just a few hours. I'm just glad that I have work and crazy Thanksgiving shoppers to keep me occupied until I get to see them again.
In the late after noon I called Kristin and found out that they didn't receive good news for her grandma. We had hopped that this time was just a scare like last time, but Kristin said that they don't expect her to get better. I know that really isn't something you want to hear on a blog. Blogs are suppose to be nice, and mine are suppose to make you laugh. (If they don't then you have a poor sense of humor) But some days you just have to wake up and realize that today is not every day. Its harder, it makes you struggle a little more. You have to push through the snow, or swim up stream. Today Kristin's family had to move their grandma to the serenity room. That move is such a struggle, but you do it because you want her to be as comfortable as possible. I know that doing things like this is tough and no matter what you push through, and what gets pushed on you a person just has to remember its just another day.
Do you ever get cramps in your hands? Some times, when I type, I get them. The thing with these cramps is that they don't come after typing too fast, or too long, they just come any old time that they want to. Most of the time its in my left pinky finger. I don't know why but it really hurts. It also makes me feel like I have a splint or metal around my hand and its really hard for me to type with it. Luckily the pinky finger only has a few letters to type with and they aren't that hard to reach. I was going to say that they aren't used that often but I looked and saw that one of them was 'a', and it is used so often its crazy. I did look it up though and the most used letter is 'e', 'a' shows up as the third most used letter to start a word... I wonder if they word a counts.


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