Kristin isn't sleeping as well as I am and I think that feeding Sawyer takes a lot out of her. She has been sleep walking a lot lately so we are working on things to keep her from getting tired. I have let her sleep more but I don't know that she is getting the quality sleep that she really needs. I'm really hoping that she can get some good sleep here in the next few weeks. If not we may have an angry mommy and you know when mommy ain't happy ain't nobody happy.
Justin came over before he had to go teach tonight. He and I played three rather intense games of Words with Friends. I do my best to destroy his winning streak. I did. But then he began it again. Its pretty crazy because we play all three games at the same time. Sad really.
This is the first hook picture I received. It is Stephanie and Baby Deli with a hook in it. Its a little blurry but you get to see the hook so that's all that matters.
Well I hate to end this blog right here because I feel as if it is unfulfilled... but I don't know what else to add. Kay Bye.
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