Thursday, November 18, 2010


That's right Conan O'Brien is back on television. I have to say that when Conan was forced off the air on his last show I was very disappointed and felt that it was very wrong. Conan has been my favorite evening talk show host for a long time now and so to see him come back after a six month time away from television really makes me feel good. Maybe you don't get as excited as I do about Conan but you all have your things that you love. Maybe its a football team or player, or another television show or even just the McRib. (Which is also back if I do so mention) But I love that tall red headed Irish tv host. Conan is very funny and he does things unconventionally but the reason I think I like watching his show more than anything else is because he is just an inch taller than I am. So when he stands up to talk to his guests I figure thats just about what I would look like if I were standing next to the same person. I also realized that if I were on tv I would be freakishly tall. Sorry man. Either way Conan has his full episodes on the internet so that I can watch them the day after they air. Thank you Conan, thank you TBS.
In other news, my baby, thats right, Sawyer, is growing up. I was changing his diaper the other day and thought to myself, "I'm hungry, I think I"ll have a cookie," but just after that thought I thought, "This diaper looks like it could possibly be to small for this child, or maybe the child is just to big for the diaper. Perhaps the diaper to child ratio isn't all that important but the containment of the matter for which the diaper holds, if so then it is still a little sketchy." After that thought Kristin and I talked about how we thought that Sawyer might be to big for his diapers, but we don't know yet. I can't say that I remember what size I was when I switched for the new born to the a little bigger baby diapers. I don't even remember if I ever wore pull ups. Probably not. I was probably the kid who still had to wear the diaper but never got the pull ups so when I was potty training I would un-Velcro my diaper and then Velcro it back up again in the end. (I would like to note here that until typing this I didn't know Velcro was a proper noun that needed capitalizing.)
I am really sad right now because as I look around the room I can see that even thought it has been over a year from our wedding we still only have two pictures up from it. They are the really good pictures but we haven't taken the time to go make sure that we get the rest of them put up. That wouldn't be so embarrassing but we have empty picture frames up... so sad. I think that I will try to make that a priority the next few weeks. I hope to get a few pictures up for you... hope.


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