Sunday, November 21, 2010

Get ready, go!

Time to get up, time to make your lunch, time for a shower, time for a shave, time to get your name tag and walkie... time to remember to put your pants on. Then it was off to work. Work was crazy, but in a different way than normal. Today there were so many associates there that it was nuts. I had every register opened, one training at the SD, and still had people I could send to help out around the store. If we had that many people there all the time then it would be great, also a lot less stressful.
Saddly the day didn't stay in the best position. Kristin got a call from her mom and she needed to head to Kansas to go see her grandmother in the hospital. I got off early so that I could help her pack up and get ready to go, also so I could spend some time with her before she left. I got home and we loaded the fastest packing job in the world up and were ready to go. I took her over to LeeAnn and Harry's house so that she could hitch a ride. The five, two babies and three adults, there is a long night of driving for them.
I on the other hand went home and hung out watching some movies, and then went to sleep. (I probably should have written a blog.)


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