Second I am curious why Pirates, though better than ninjas, are so involved in my life. I mean there are many things you could have be in your life but for some reason there are just a lot of pirate things that come up in my day to day activities and in the stuff that I have. Of course I like the Pirates of the Caribbean movies, like playing the game lil' Pirates, enjoy a shanty or two but a lot of what I do deals with Pirates. Pirate ducks, birthday cards, t-shirts, the list is nearly endless. Maybe God just thinks that I would be the kind of guy looks good with an eye patch and have a parrot as a pet. I do love to put a hook in it.
Well so that I don't make this blog all about pirates I'll throw something else in here. He's a real boy! I know he was born a real human but for the first two weeks of his life Sawyer was basically a sleeping doll. Now he is still much like a pet but now he does stuff. I'm not saying that I can take the kid out back and throw the ball with him but he looks at people and says things to them. I know it sounds unbelievable but this isn't just screaming its like he knows that we are suppose to be talking and is trying to get in the conversation. Maybe not.. but it seems like it. He also reaches for things but most of the time just ends up punching them. Also he started doing a good job of pulling hair, pretty awesome. I'm just excited that he is starting to be a real boy, rather than just a doll. night!
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