We were suppose to get the key's to the apartment at nine this morning. So we went into the office dressed like hobo's and asked for the keys. Well they needed some information from us and then they would get the keys. While we were finding the information I heard them all saying that they couldn't find the keys. So Michelle, one of the ladies who works at the office, made a phone call and found out that they were still cleaning the apartment. I have no idea how much time before they lease it out this is suppose to be done but it was again a set back. Michelle said that it would be about thirty minutes so we went out and got something to eat. I had to go to work at noon so we really needed to get things moving so that Kristin could unpack in the new house while I was off.
Well we cam back to the apartment and found out that they were still cleaning but we asked them if we could go ahead and start moving stuff in as we didn't have the time to wait around. They said it was fine and so Justin and I got a good forty minutes of moving in before I had to get ready and leave. That wasn't any fun because I had to shower in a bath without a curtain and I made the floor very wet. But it was the best we could do and I looked again like trash at work.
Speaking of work there was a time when almost everything went down at my store and this was what our palm pilots looked like. I was so excited that my computer was getting angsty on me that I had to take this picture and share it with every one whose computer gets mad back at them.
Once off of work there were a few more things that I had to go over to the other house and get. I hurried because I was really tired from working this morning and working at work this afternoon. But I knew we needed things at the new house and so I grabbed what I could. Tomorrow will be the party though. Several people from work are coming over to help me move. Exciting.
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