Kristin and I worked and while I was at work I went and spent the small amount of money we had set aside for a card for Kristin for Valentines. I really wanted to get her a good card so I may have spent way to much on it. I just don't get how those cards are so dang expensive. Who decided that a piece of paper with a saying or something written on it was worth six bucks? Why am I taunted by singing cards that cost close to ten? I do have to hand it to the person to created the really big cards, you know the giant ones, because those are pretty cool.
Kristin went and picked up Sawyer when she got off. She met Amanda but wasn't over there for very long because she had to get to packing some more. While she was packing Sawyer was playing with his favorite toy Captain Calamari. That is a toy that is a squid with a pirate hat and eight arms that have a different thing at ever arm. He's a pretty cool dude and were I a little kid I think he would be my friend also.
WHen I got home Kristin went to the store so that she could get mine and Sawyer's Valentines. She bought him a new onsie and she gave me a card and then a Yo-yo. I haven't had a yo-yo in quite some time but I really like them. It was a lot of fun. Kinda made me feel bad for just getting her the card. But we both did good. I love her so much.
P.N. Pirate Squid are awesome.
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