Friday, February 25, 2011


I am very upset. I can't find my camera. So at this point I am unaware if there were any pictures for this day or the past few days on it. That is the very reason you are receiving all pictures that are a bit old. Some are older than others and would have been put up here at some point in time but who knows when that would have happened. I don't. Either way I made sure to put this picture of "fat" Sawyer. Its just the most sumo picture we have ever got of the kid. I'm not sure that he looks like that at all but it might be that he is scrunching his neck. Speaking of necks he has a long one. I know that I also have a long neck (no reference to the Land Before Time please) but he has a good sized neck. My grandma would be envious of his neck.
Oh yeah stuff that went on today. I went to work rather early. That was my day. Lets go to Kristin's and see if it was any more interesting.
Look there lads, its is! She went out to Ikea. That was of course after the maintenance people came and fixed some stuff around the house. Good times. So as they drove out to Ikea they got to see the tent for OVO. For all of you who don't know that is a Cirque Du Soleil. The show has been in town for a month or so and all of you who know me well are all sitting back in your chairs asking yourselves why hasn't he gone. Several reasons. Money and Kristin didn't really want to. But I think that there is another one coming this fall and so we might go to that one. I really hope that we can.
Kristin got some cool stuff from the place out there. One thing she picked up that I thought was really neat was a dogs butt. Thats right its a hook that goes on the wall shaped liked a cartoon dogs butt. Pretty cool.
I got home from work and Justin and Stephanie came over which meant that there were a lot of people over at our house. I made cookies and helped make pizza pasta. It was pretty good. We hung out and started watching Prince of Persia but I think every one fell asleep before the end. I know that I did. Pretty good day all together.


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