Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Last night there was thunder waking me up tonight I slept like a baby. But when I did wake up we had to go go go. I was going to head to work with Kristin so that she wouldn't have to drive. But then it got a little late and she was going to have to take her car. And that's when the power went out! Yes that's right there was no power in the middle of a freezing winter day. Lovely. So I told Kristin to call her work and tell them she was staying home today. I headed out for my job knowing that I would be a little late. When I got to Wal-mart it was much like the day before with few to no cashiers there but a little while later and some of them started showing up. I was glad to have more associates in work today. Justin was coming in but first he went to my house and got Kristin so that she could spend the day with Stephanie in their powered and warm house. So while I was waiting for the next two CSMs to show up the power went out at Wal-Mart. Yay! Then a little bit later after the chaos had died down it came back up. And then went down again! Double Yay! Then the other CSMs showed up. The power never went back down.
I know that you are looking at all of this food and thinking, wow where did they go out to eat. We didn't. We went to Justin and Stephanie's. It was their wedding anniversary today. Yes and this was the second year we crashed it for them. But the food was good. Stephanie organised a great meal with Crab Dabs (crab meat wrapped in bacon), and a chicken and veggie plate along with mashed taters. Justin and Kristin helped her make the food while I watched and held Sawyer, so that is kinda like helping right? We set the table up real nice and pretty and then we all sat down for probably one of the best meals we have had together. I'm including all the times we've gone out to eat. I would say that we could open our own restaurant.
After eating nearly everything I made dessert. That's right I did do something. I made a batch of brownies with chocolate chips in them and bought some ice cream then plated it and covered the plate with chocolate syrup and whipped cream. This was what I thought was the best plated one... it was also mine.
During the night we had a great time. There was probably the oddest farting contest in the world, we rated them based on the ten finger system. No one got two thumbs up though. (That equals eleven.) These crazy kids are the greatest gas attackers known to man, save my brothers and dad. I need to go get something to eat now, this picture is making me hungry. Ta.


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