I was quickly driving to my house and changed my clothes so that I could go to Jordan's baby shower. I love baby showers so much I could have stayed all day long! ALL DAY LONGGGGGG! Yep. So we left after every one else had and there were only the family there who helped with the whole thing. I will mention that Sawyer was able to wear this shirt you see here. If you can't read it says "The best friend." Honestly if you can't read you are dumb for coming to my blog as there are only three pictures and way more words. But you can't read this so you don't know that I called you dumb. Ha Ha Ha, To you.
I did make sure to get pictures of people who are with Sawyer but don't always get pictures with him. The top one here is Justin's mom (Who you know), and Justin's two sisters Alexis and Natalie. Here is another picture with Alexis as she stripped down Sawyer so that she could eat him. But seriously she was just holding him during the changing process and I thought it looked awkward so I wanted every one to see it. Aren't I a nice guy.
We went to do some shopping and then home to pack. We didn't ever make it home though. No we weren't taken by the matrix or slain by Huns. We instead had to go out to eat with Justin and a pregnant lady. NO I guess we didn't HAVE TO, but we kinda wanted to so we did. It was probably just an excuse to eat at Steak and Shake. But as always with them we had a great time. We went in and sat down and it took quite some time before we were ever helped. I do think that my calling across the store for Charles may have helped, but it might just have made all of the other customers around us mad. I know that one of them left quite quickly after we got there. And when I say one I mean about seven... We aren't bad people we are just loud people. Sawyer was having a great time until I got my shake, you know steak and SHAKE, then he was a little jealous and got upset. But I didn't give in to his sad eyes or crying. I held out until I finished the shake so he couldn't have any. I am such a good dad.
Okay well that's pretty much it. So ttfn.
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