Yesterday marked 28 weeks for us, and that means we're in the third trimester, yay!! He could officially survive in the outside world now, not that we want him to yet. Kerry gives women in general a hard time for saying "I want this baby out", but it's not that we want them out. I want him to stay in and cook until he's done, but once he's done there's no point in him being in there, right? We don't leave a cake in the oven longer than it's supposed to be, because it'll burn. Granted, a human isn't going to burn inside my "oven", but knowing how big our families are (Kerry is 6'3", I'm 5'11", his dad is about 6', and my dad is 6'5"), it wouldn't surprise me if we end up with a tall stinkin' kid, and he's already over 3 pounds, so I'm guessing he'll be a good 8 or 9 when he's born. Point blank, a big baby doesn't sound like fun times for me. I'm sure you'll say that any baby process doesn't sound like fun, and you're right, but I'd like to get it over with while it's still manageable, if you know what I'm saying. I'm totally down with keeping him in there another 10 or so weeks, but I really hope I don't make it to 40. That's the point where you get the "Oh honey..." from older, experienced women. Let's not go there. Either way, he's learning all sorts of stuff these days. He can open his eyes, and he can react to bright lights near my belly. Kerry put a flashlight on me the other night and he started moving around like crazy. Kerry thinks that he was trying to chase the light, but I don't think he's like a cat with a laser pointer. ;] He can also "breathe" amniotic fluid, and his lungs are preparing to take their first breaths of real air. He probably still looks a lot like a wrinkly, old grandpa, but as he puts on weight he'll get cuter and cuter. We're really enjoying him moving and being crazy, but the heat (and my bones/muscles, for that matter) are taking a toll on me. This little boy will prove to be worth every ache and pain in the end though!
Ripped straight off Google for your viewing pleasure: a computer generated image of a 28 week fetus. Looks a lot like a newborn if you ask me? But we think he's probably that cute, if not cuter right now anyway. =]
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