Saturday, August 7, 2010

I like to dip my chips in dip..

Okay I know that the blog this past week or two has not been as often updated as it should be. I suppose as the writers it is our responsability to write. I know that some people are really interested in the blog, and others are probably just bored. But for the both of those people I promise I'll do a better job of making updates so that you don't have to wait a week to find out what happened. I regret, however, that I probably wont be writing blogs for the past two days, and that is sad. August 5th and 6th will be sorely missed. I'm sure there were things that happened on those days that we all really wanted to know about, me too.
Okay so this blog is awesome for me I think. I like that we are using it almost as a journal and that I can trust you with my deepest secrets. HAH! But it will be fun to look back on this and read it some day. Especially if we keep it going for a long time, which is the idea. Speaking of it going for a long time folks we are over 100 posts. Yay! That means for all of you who have read those you probably wasted almost three hours or more of your time. Jokes on you!
Okay so today I switched from my closing shift to my opening shift, which was really nice. Because even though I got off an hour late I was able to spend the evening with my lovely wife. Once she got off work at five we decided we needed to go shopping. Of course we went back to my Wal-Mart so that I could show her all the work I did on the spice mod. That was not fun people. Either way shopping was fun, we bought chips and pork rinds. I also think we are getting pretty good at shopping with wic. We kinda know what we can buy and it helps out. Though I'm not sure if it could ever take the place of actually buying food. I hope that no one ever has to live off of it.
We got home and ate some frozen pizzas, or cardboard pizza as they were always called at my house. I think its because they are thin as cardboard, but some people say its because they are really cheap. And yeah they are really cheap but I like em, probably cause its like a really big lunch-ables pizza. But Kristin didn't feel great so she had to lay down, I tried rubbing her back but it didn't really work. I'm just hoping she feels better tomorrow.


P.N. So on my phone I have a book reader and I downloaded Great Expectations by Charles Dickens. If any of you have read it I'd like to know what you think of it. And if you're reading anything right now you should let me know.

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