Friday, August 6, 2010

All Summer Long!

Okay well I know for a while you have heard about how Kayla and Kristin(mostly) were going to Quick Trip on a daily bases and getting drinks. Well some days they were going twice and I was going once, I think the record was three trips in one day. Can't be sure about that. Of course if you had been on any of these trips you would have learned about our friend Chase. He's the good looking dude in the picture. Well Kristin and Kayla affectionately call him the Hulk, has something do with his muscles. But he always recognized us when we went in to get drinks. I know how embarrassing that is but what is worse is that I took a picture of him.(but we'll get to that.) So we were in quick trip after a hard day of work for some one other than me and there he was, taking peoples 49¢ once at a time and all summer long. So when we went up to pay and got the other dude in the picture checking us out I was disappointed (Its not that I didn't like the guy, I mean he kinda looks like Justin Bieber but it wasn't Chase). SO I had to wait until Chase was done with his customer so that I could kindly take his picture. Sadly its kind of blurry but its the best we have... For now. Okay so for any one who is a Chase fan, which you should all be, here is the link to his fan page. How awesome is that.
Okay so Jim also came over today, its been a bit since he and I were able to hang out. There has just been a lot of vacationing going on. But we were glad to get some UA2 on while we can before school starts. I think that once it does start I"m going to have to force him to come over so that he can take a break from classes. Maybe I'll bribe him with a visit to Chase.
I have no idea if any of you have ever been on WIC or ever plan to be one WIC but if you do let me know so I can laugh at you. If you ever go on the program you'll understand what I mean. Have you ever seen National Treasure? Well the part where the two characters that hook up and know all about history are getting served because they don't know the significance of daylight savings time, thats how I feel every time I shop for WIC. I think its because I check out the items every day but I have no idea how to shop for the stuff. Its like reading an encoded message. I'm not Reed Richards, I don't decode things. But thank God for free decoded food. =)


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