Monday, August 2, 2010

At least you're not an elephant.

Today marks week 27! That means we have been at this baby thing for 189 days. In that time many number of animals would have already had their babies. In only 164 days a monkey would have had their kid. About now that monkey would be bouncing off the walls and running around leaving his little monkey messes where ever he went. Yes sir I am glad I am not having a monkey.
While pregnancy does many things for girls as far as making them huge and feel bloated and swollen. Makes them hungrier and more hormonal. They also get excited and feel the baby inside them and think about it all the time because the child is with them all the time. It does things for men too. Now most men it makes them panic about money. Wonder if they are going to be a good dad. Think about names for the child that they probably wont get to name any way. While making room in the house for the kid.
Now I'm not saying I'm immune to those thoughts but I will say that I also get caught up on other things like, what if Kristin was an elephant? How long would her pregnancy be then? Too long is the answer to that. An elephant can take up to 640 days. That's nearly 20 months of pregnancy. No wonder elephants come out so large eh? The animal closest to us in a sense of pregnancy time period is the orangutan. The orange monkey looking creature. Apparently there is only one of these guys in the jungle where Mogli lives and he has the desire for mans red fire, thats whats bothering him. He wants to be a man man mancub... Must stop.
Either way these little guys come out covered in orange hair from head to toe. Now I now that Kristin would like a red headed child but I'm pretty sure that this little dude, no matter how cute, is not growing inside of her. Sweet Dreams


1 comment:

  1. So there are all sorts of scholarships now for redheads. Apparently they are considered a minority. Sooo he will have all sorts of chances if he does come out a ginger!
