Tax free weekend is a holiday that the government came up with for no good reason. I guess they wanted to help out the poeple of the USA and let them not have to pay tax for one weekend. Last year I can remember there were several things other than school supplies that were tax free. This year on the other hand there was a list that covered a whole page full of things that were tax free. Things that included Depends and Diapers. I know that should have bought some but I just couldn't bring myself to hold diapers for two months.
Kristin and I both went in early today and had the morning rush. We found out that people sleep past five in the morning and aren't out buying school supplies and depends early in the morning. Really the biggest part of my morning was before seven in the morning when we were trying to clean up the mess from the night before. It was quite the party. I walked the isles of the school section and realized that its no wonder that my parents home schooled. There is just way to much junk that these kids in public school need. I mean a highlighter that has a cone tip? really? Either way the picture is Maymie looking at a lizard friend of hers that plays on the window at night. So tired.
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