Thursday, August 19, 2010

Punched! But not with fruit..

Thursday, what an exciting day. Today is the day we went to go get a ultrasound. It was an 11:15 appointment and of course we were up early, well I was up early taking a shower and getting ready and by the time the appointment rolled around we were at the doctors office. Today as we walked in there were a few people there and we have noticed that lately there have been more people than when we originally started to go see the specialist. But no worries to us because they are quick and we don't every have to wait very long. The only thing today was that when we walked into the waiting room and there were kids.
I know when I see kids in a quiet room, like waiting room or a bank, I hope, and try to speculate, that they are pretty good and well behaved kids. Well as it is no intention of mine to give you a boring recollection of the events I'm sure that you have now come to the conclusion that they were not at all the best behaved children. First while we were sitting in the waiting room, fourth in line, they were pretty quiet only speaking to their mother. Sadly the quietness did not continue and we were soon in the midst of a playground. The older of the two, who was a boy, was running and climbing on the furniture and then jumping off of it. The escapade continued for some time.
We were soon to find out that the doctor was unable to take us at the time but would sacrifice his lunch hour to see us because he had to run down to labor and delivery. We were quite alright with that assuming that he wouldn't be too long. It ended that every one but the lady with the children left to go get something to eat. Now I don't try to speak out against other parents, wait that may not be true. I try to watch other parents and I think that maybe this lady had some different kind of idea. Instead of telling her children what to do and what not to do she would suggest something else for them to do when they were being bad. Plus at the height of their "excitement" she gave them candy to keep them quiet. We soon found out that they had not yet reached the height of their excitement. (I know some of you are sitting in your chairs reading this and saying, "Just wait til your kid is born." But I'll tell you I was never allowed to act like that in public.)
It was a cool hour and forty-five minute wait we had after we arrived before we were able to see the doctor but when we did we were excited. First because we are always excited to see the little fellow dancing around and we are interested in his size and the Amniotic Band. Well the doctor did a very thorough look and could not find the band. Now to God be the glory for the things he does and to me be the glory for mine. I don't get much glory. We also found out that he is still showing two to two and a half weeks big. His head is three. Sad news still as this was our last ultrasound we are to get before he is born. Now I guess we have to wait like real people. But we are glad to not have any more because that means he is doing well. Ta.


P.N. The picture is of our Doctor Dr. Herr. She is the one we see regularly.

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