Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Glucose drink is NOT the drink of champions...

Today was my infamous glucose test to test for gestational diabetes. I didn't have to fast, so I ate some cereal, and we were on our way. I pee before we leave the house to go anywhere, it's just inevitable, so on doctor's appointment days I always drink a bottle of water on the way there so I'll be able to go for them when I get there. Once we get there I go back and they tell me to drink the sugary drink for the test, which is supposed to taste like "flat orange pop" according to everyone else, and it comes in other flavors, but I get stuck with orange. I'm an idiot and chugged that stinkin' water right beforehand, and now I have 5 minutes to chug this crap, great. Not only that, but whenever I'm super sick I take the Tylenol cough syrup, which just happens to be orange, so the whole time I'm psyching myself out and feel like I'm chugging cough syrup. =[ Not good times. It didn't help that Kerry was there the whole time telling me he could do it faster, when I still got it down in half the time. Jerk. Hah. I finally got it down though and went back to see Dr. Herr for my normal appointment. This whole time I thought that him being 2 weeks bigger would get my due date changed, but she said that the first ultrasound you get is the most accurate at dating the pregnancy, and that their measurements can be off by up to 15%. That being said, my due date is still November 2nd. =[ I don't think I'll make it that long just because he is bigger, and I think he'll make his escape before then, but we'll see. She said that I've probably got 10-12 more weeks to go, 12 more weeks putting me at 39 weeks at delivery, but we'll know more as it gets closer and we see how my body decides to handle things. Him and I are both doing great, measuring how we should. (Hearing that you're on track when you feel like a blimp is a ray of sunshine. =D) Our appointments will be every other week now, so we'll get the details worked out as we get closer. I asked about induction just for it's convenience so my mom could plan, but she said she won't induce before 39 weeks, and not for a big baby. She straight up told me that I could easily push out an 8 or 9 pound baby, but that doesn't mean that I want to! Haha. I'm excited to get a plan worked out as we get closer, I can't wait to have him here!! But he's not done cooking yet, so I'll leave him be. That buys me a bit more time to prepare and make sure everything is perfect for him. Anyhoo, the appointment went good, and I had my blood drawn after an hour (and have the bruise to prove it), so hopefully we won't hear anything back from it and I won't have to go in for the 3 hour version if I fail. =/ Right now I've got "bigger fish to fry", I've only got about 2 more months to finish planning for him!! We're making trips home to both parents houses to get supplies, we need to register for/take childbirth classes, get the house ready for him, pack all of our bags, and just take a big freakin' breath before we jump headfirst into this adventure!! My nesting is in high gear, and I'm making lists like crazy. Please pray for Kerry. ;]

Umm, pretty self-explanitory. That drink is the devil.

My current stack of craziness. I went calendar crazy last night, and now I'm filling out a "Pregnancy Planner" to try and prepare. I LOVE ORGANIZATION!! =]


1 comment:

  1. LOL. GROSS. I've never had to drink it, but it made a couple of my friends vomit. My dr. Just made me eat a huge candy bar and drink 8 ounces of coke. Thank goodness. Go you for not vomiting! =)
