Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Oh the webs you weave..

First of all I want to talk about the pictures. I never get a picture on here because most of the time I am taking the pictures. Its cool with me but today we didn't have a picture and I was off all day and Kristin went to work at fourish and well you know this is what happens when I hang out with myself. I get the music going and some major rocking out going on. It helps when I am making food for work the next day and when I'm ironing my pants. I know that these aren't the best picture of me, my mom is probably just sad that I didn't put a good one of me on here, but you know its the best I have right now and its more recent than yesterdays news. Thats pretty recent. This one of me yelling is pretty special...
We were awoken this morning for to early at nine in the morning. We had a doctors appointment and we set it for 10:15. To be true to the fact I set it for that early in the morning. Little did I know that this would be one of my days off for the week and we could have slept in and don't it a little later than we wanted to. The appointment went well, the babies heartbeat was good. The only thing the doctor really said to us was to make sure we, well Kristin, was feeling the baby move. Dr. Herr said that if we were worried that he wasn't moving enough Kristin was to eat something to wake him up and lay down. While doing this she needs to feel the baby move ten times in two hours. More like twenty minutes.
After the appointment we went shopping, we really didn't have that much to buy so it was pretty boring. But then we came home and Kristin took a nap, I joined her for the last portion of it. But she was called in early tonight so I was left along for far to long. Luckily I got a nice phone call from Justin and Stephanie. We played with the face time on our phones, and we had a little fun not actually talking to each other. I would write things down on a piece of paper and communicate that way. It made me feel like I was twelve again and had just gotten to use my first video camera for messaging. Oh what a distance we've come since I was twelve.
The title of this post is.. well look at it... but I named it that in remembrance of the poor spider that use to live on a tree outside our house. This dude, who Kristin affectionately called a tarantula, was about the side of the bottom of a glass cup. His, or probably hers, web was stretched between two trees. It was probably about four or five feet at the widest part. I'm pretty sure the dude was hunting for birds or cats or small rodents because there was no fly that could satisfy this things hunger. But sadly, or not, the day the lawn men came to blow the leaves away the spider was blown away as well. I thought maybe a few days later it would rebuild its web but I haven't seen it since.
Kay bye.


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