I had today off of work because I wanted to see the final of the world cup. In my opinion that final was when Germany and Spain played but they have to have an official one. The game wasn't as good as I thought it would be but we did get to see some one get Spartan kicked in the chest with some Energy Legs. That was pretty cool. In the end Spain won, the team that I had chose to win the entire thing almost three months ago, guess I was right about some thing. In our bracket contest Justin still won by two points because I chose Cameroon when he chose Japan, I'll get you next time gadget.
This picture was taken today, so its a day early to actually be 24 weeks, but you know I'm not to sad about the timing. Kristin wanted to try on last years swim suit and with our big baby in her tummy she looks pretty good, and very pregnant.
Today the name we have is Embry. I looked it up and it was hard to find the meaning to this name, I guess some where along the lines it came from the word ember. That of course makes me think of Charazard, which is a fire pokemon. Awesome! So our baby could have the name Fire. But not just fire, Smoldering Fire! Thats powerful fire, thats fire that takes out buildings. Thats fire that burns down bridges, that fire that burns Californian forests every year! (Too Much?) Its like naming your child "Awesome" if "Awesome" meant "Pyro", and that would be cool. I really like this name, its on fire!
Kris you look BEAUTIFUL!!! :)