Saturday, July 3, 2010

She be a grape.

Okay so today started out a little weird. I thought that I was suppose to go to work at 10 but it ended up that I wasn't suppose to be there until 2. I only found that out after I went to work at ten. Ah me. I guess we all make mistakes and need to be reminded of humility.
It turned out to be okay because I was able to go back home and listen, since we don't have cable and only ABC shows the games on Saturday, to the German vs. Argentina game. Oh Fabjuous Day! Germany beat them 4-0, and that made my day unbreakable.
After work tonight I got home to find an infestation of people! But I realized it was only family, so we were safe. Bernice, Kayla, and Karter came down for a week or so. Karter was asleep when I got here and Bernice had already headed over to LeeAnn and Harry's for the night. Kayla was still awake, guess some one likes me. Just kidding Bernice.
Holden! The name comes from a phrase meaning hollow in the valley. It seems to be another name that is very secretive and as it were its very unique. Other than secretive it can also act as protective. Because a valley is a terrible place for a fight because you would always have the low ground. But the hollow gives strength and an advantage to those fighting. The valley can also be desperation and the holden can be the last glimps of light, the one thing that keeps some one holding on.


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