Saturday, July 10, 2010

Following the leader where ever we may go. de dum de do...

I was working a late shift last night and I came in for a very early shift this morning, that is always the best way to start a weekend. But it is a good thing I suppose as I was able to get through my busy day and get off work early. Though I didn't get a nap.
Kristin, on the other hand, worked a little later shift in the day and so it was just Kayla and I at the house. I'm not really sure what we did all day, I think we played games, and cleaned up some. Well I think she cleaned up some, and I played games. The details are sketchy at best.
So today was Germany's last game to play before they went home as the third best team in the world once again. Sadly they are the best team int he world they just had a bad game against a good team, some times it happens. I suppose that is what happened to Brazil too. Either way you can be glad that after tomorrow you shouldn't hear about any more soccer in these posts. Aren't you lucky.
After Kristin was off work we went over to Alexa and Jason and Jaxon's baby shower. Of course every one was present and of course we forgot to take a picture of the shower or even of the present we gave the three. So I posted a picture of the two who are out of the womb. I didn't ask for permission to use this picture, I sure hope that its okay, but I'll take my chances. These are Jaxon's beautiful parents.
When I heard the name Fallon I couldn't help but think of the Fallen. The Fallen is a character from Transformers, and a bad guy at that. Either way when I looked up the name I never thought that I would find that it so bluntly would mean leader. The name also means "of a ruling family." So as I thought about this I realized that this wasn't just some one who was leading people, this was some one who was born to lead people. This was a person who was expected to lead since they were even thought to be around. Their parents knew that when they grew up they would lead people. The power and trust you have to put behind a child by naming them this name is so strong that the child itself has to be just as strong to carry the name.


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