Thursday, July 1, 2010

Logan, and Keys!

Okay so today I paid rent. While I was in there paying rent I did have to tell them that I am the poorest keeper of the keys in the entire complex. I have my key to the mailbox completely messed up to the point that I could, and have, stood in front of the mailbox for ten or fifteen minutes looking like I'm trying to break into it. I also have a card key to get into the complex gates. Mine doesn't work, so I just get to slap the key against the pad and look like I don't really live here. Most of the time I have to call Kristin to get in or I get lucky enough to go in behind some one. She checked the card key and said it was working for her so I suppose that its just me that it doesn't like to work for.
We have a doctor appointment tomorrow, no worries its just the routine one. Its the one we are going to bring up great question like circumcision. Sounds like a fun conversation, maybe one I'd like to share with the kid in the future. I can't wait to be that dad.
Okay so this is probably going to be one of the shortest blogs I have written. One with the name. Logan is an awesome name, its the name for Wolverine, and that makes it awesome. I'm hoping that before this point in the blog most of you knew why he was the pictures I was showing. I know some of the girls were just thinking, "Hugh Jackman, oooo he's a hottie!" Well girls so will my son be, if he's anything like me. But the name Logan is a very odd name meaning several things. It means small cove, which is nice. But it also means hollow, or small hollow. The reason I think these are interesting is because they are both secretive. If some one looks at a person and says that they have a hollow look on them they may say that they look empty. But it may also mean that they are very hard to read, the surface is hard to get past. A small cove is also a place where not a lot of people could be, so a place two lovers might run off to.


1 comment:

  1. A small cove could also be seen as peaceful and full of serenity.
