Wednesday, October 20, 2010

lol clouds dropping ells on us...

I struggled through the weekend and Monday and Tuesday. Its been a while since I've worked four days in a row. I know that sounds wishy washy but our bodies get use to it. I guess I shouldn't let my body get use to anything. Pretty soon it'll be 48 hour shifts and several hour surgeries. Who knows, that's years away. But if I'm looking forward to that then studies should be nothing right?
We spent most of the morning sleeping and playing around. I made biscuits and gravy, it was pretty awesome. Kristin went to work and worked until tenish. Wow what a boring day! Yes that's right there are the rare days when very little happens here at the Barnett house. Rare indeed.
I just wanted to take this time, because we didn't have much going on today, to talk about our kid. Well not exactly him, because he gets talked about a lot, but mostly the community that he is being born into. So really this blog is about all of you. I know that when you were a little kid you heard people say that they couldn't believe the things that happened these days. You know with all the sex, drugs, and murder that's going on just outside your front door. These old people going around saying that they can't believe what parents have to raise their kids in the world today. Of course when you are a seven year old you think, lets play trucks, when you are thirteen you really begin to wonder what you are going to have to raise your kid in. Then today I look outside and I say yep that's what it is, that's what I'm raising my kid in.
So why is it that we do it, what is the reason we push to have kids and raise them in this messed up world? Well its because we were designed to do that. Its one of the first things God told us to do, might have been the first. "Go forth and multiply!" So either he was a really big math buff like myself or he wanted us to populate the world. We know that its not easy to make it in this world where every one is trying to get something from you. I know that even though there are all these arrows shooting at me from every direction that there are also people with shields protecting me in all directions. You all of you. You are the people I see daily and I talk to all the time. My family. Kristin's family. Our friends and all the other people who help us with what he have. You are the people who God has placed in our life and you remind me every day that He is here with me so that I don't have to worry. So that I know that I am not of this world and neither is my kid so raising him in it wont be a problem. I am so excited about him coming and so ready to meet him. I know that all of you do, or at least most of you do and the others just act like it. Thank you for being there. Thank God for being here. He is my strength and He has sent you to help. My kid is so lucky.


P.N. I also wanted to point out the picture is hilarious.

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