Monday, October 18, 2010

This Is Sparta!

I was up before the sun was up, and the sun comes up pretty early. I am really surprised that I was as awake as I was when I arrived at work. I think it was more or less one of those fake awake's. Like when you feel like you are really up but you aren't yet, and you probably wont be until you sleep again. It still makes me a good worker, and puts me in a pretty hilarious mood.
Halloween was where I worked today, we were moving everything to the front end so that it looked very orange up there. They figure the more people see it the more they will buy it, and that is pretty much true about American's. Of course I am the complete opposite, the more I see the less I want something.
There still isn't a baby. But I did decide to start throwing up some awesome names and seeing how people like them. If you've seen my facebook statuses then you know what I'm talking about. These are the most epic names of all time.
This evening we had a trip to the hospital, but not to have a baby. This was the last week of our birthing classes. So this was the one where we went in and learned a little about what happens after birth. I don't really remember what she said. That's bad, I haven't any clue what the first part of the class was about. Second we learned breathing. Not going to lie I wasn't super involved at this point. There wasn't much that I could do. I learned some of the breathing but I don't know what else I was suppose to do. After that we heard from a pediatrician and he gave us some literature. Then came the good stuff.
We were all handed out the dolls you see in the picture. The creepy little dolls were our baby that we had to do CPR on. This isn't the first CPR class I took but it is the only one with a baby that I have learned about. So I was listening intently and following all the directions. I was doing my best to be involved and help with the learning process. Then, as I was following directions, the babies head fell off. Now I know that you have all seen this in shows and on movies but let me tell you it was better in real life. The whole room was laughing. I think one of the guys about peed himself. Yay me. I decapitate baby dolls. Whoo. I feel accomplished.


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