Friday, October 22, 2010

There will be lots of ick and yuck first....

Get up get ready, get up get ready, get up get ready... wait you have to actually do it you can't just thinking it. Okay getting up getting ready, and then going to the doctors. And we did. Of course we had to get gas and then eat a little something before we went. Plus the lights never go our way when we head over there. But its okay because we made it in time. Besides I think Dr. Herr was the only Doctor there today, so she was pretty busy.
When she did get to us we were taken to the room by a nurse we didn't know, sadly. We did get to see Sandy though. But she was just as busy and Dr. Herr. So we waited for the doctor, I farted in the exam room. She came in after a while and checked Kristin out. 5cm! Plus she is on call at the hospital this weekend. We are really hoping but you know anything goes when it comes to babies. When Kristin told her that she thought he might fall out she said, "Oh you'll see lots of ick and yuck first, then he'll come." She also laughed with me about a dead frog... saying it like that makes both her and I sound heartless but we aren't, so don't think we are. It was funny at the time and the way it was.. I'm not explainig myself.
After that the day went by quickly. We went to Wal-Mart and made sure to buy all the stuff that we needed for the weekend. But we had to make sure that we didn't buy things that would go out of date withing a few days because we don't know what will happen this weekend.
Well we made it a week and I was trying my best to make Kristin's last meal, though I didn't know when it would be, a great meal. I figured that it could be any time so I would do my best to make all the food she ate within the next few days great food. So tonight I wanted to make her some fried chicken. I hadn't ever done it before and so it was a new experience to me. I took the chicken and soaked it and battered it and then egged it then battered again and then fried it in a pan. And yes I wore that apron. When it was all said and done the chicken looked great but the instant potatoes didn't. They didn't taste good either. Sadly neither did the chicken. I expect that it had something to do with the amount of seasoning that I put in the flour.... mom says it wasn't enough. So next time I will probably over due it but I did my best, I just hope Kirstin can eat one more meal to see if I can make it better.


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