Thursday, December 16, 2010


Sawyer just loves playing with his lady bug toy. This is one of the toys that use to be Braeden's, so if you go look through my moms blog I believe that the mirror, if not the whole thing, shows up at least once. So thanks go out to both my mom and Braeden for this play mat, and the mirror, he likes looking at himself in it. Just like his uncle.
In the USA we say that Santa comes down our chimney and gives us presents. We have heard how that is limited because some Santa's aren't jolly like ours, and then there are devils, but witches? Oh yes in Italy they celebrate with witches, or a witch. Befana is a witch that flies around on her broomstick giving good children presents and candy, and bad children coal. The coal happens to also be candy. There is a huge festival for the Feast of Epiphany and there are hundreds of "Befana's" there dancing, juggling, and handing out presents. Wow its like bringing trick or treat into Christmas. ew?
So today was the first day of what was suppose to be three days off in a row for me. But sadly I do have to go into work on Saturday. Thanks Justin. Its okay it gets me two days off in a row next week also. But today we are going for more Christmas shopping. I wont lie to you, because this is being posted long after Christmas, I haven't shopped for Kristin at all. But I do have an idea of what I want to get her. The rest of my family is almost done except for we need to go to Wal-Mart to finish of our parents. It was good because we also needed to get our Christmas cards printed so that we could get them out in time for the New Year. Yes we will make it, and hopefully we wont be as late next year. So if you are looking every day in the mail for your card from us, it isn't there yet. Except that I know you will all be reading this at least on the 31st so they might be there. Man this blog would have been so much better if it were posted the day after it happened.
Either way we got them printed off and picked up presents for the family. I don't know that it was super crazy shopping but the driving was nuts. I don't remember there being this much traffic last year around this time. But I of course didn't have the car that I have now, so pretty much its easy to drive in. Yay! Also Sawyer does what I wish I could do while shopping, sleep. He's a really good shopper. Also I think this was the day that we were shopping and Kristin was looking at babies first Christmas cloths and my manager got us an outfit for Sawyers first Christmas. I suppose that I should tell you that it was because I told Kristin that she couldn't buy him one, he didn't need it. So yes I'm an awful person... blah blah. He got it any way. Thanks Amanda! OOOooookay... bye


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