Wednesday, December 29, 2010


When I was a kid I grew up in Kansas, and I can remember a bunch of my time was spent out in the country. In fact I think at that time all Kansas was was country. It may be that is all that I remember about it but I do remember that there were plenty of things about farming around. I suppose you could say that the town that I grew up in was a farming town. I don't know if that its really true but that is really all that I know about it. So knowing this you know that there were tractors and fairs with cows and sheep and chickens, and I remember growing up with this sort of thing. I think down here in Texas they probably have some of the same things but I am sure that there are far less fields of corn and wheat. Either way the reason for all that is that this is the closest that Sawyer has ever been to farm animals and I was just thinking that some time in the future he is going to have to meet himself a cow or two. I just have to keep Kristin from hugging one.
Well today wasn't the best day in the world. Kristin went into work and found out that she wasn't going to be getting the best hours. Her hours were being cut by more than half. So we now have to sit back and look at what we have and know that God will provide for everything that we need. Thank you Jesus.
Also, I'm not sure if it happened today, but I was at work and I asked Jim to try and apply for a credit card for me, just because we were going to see if we could prove Wal-Mart wrong. Well I have never been approved for a credit card before in my life and so I thought that I probably wouldn't get one. Not so. Not today. Maybe it has something to do with the car I bought last year but my credit was good enough to get a card, yay me? I dunno we'll just have to be careful with the thing and only use it when we know we are going to pay it back.


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