10. So since we are starting at the bottom you are going to read the worst of the best first. This is Kristin getting a job at CVS. I know that sounds lame except that it really does make a difference with our house. This year she worked at several CVSs and made a bunch of friends and the one she is working at now. She might have had some issues but she does like it.
9. At the beginning of the year you might have heard that our dog had mange, which is a gross and awful thing for a dog to have. So we fought it so hard and so long and paid so much, so MUCH, that we were so glad when we beat the thing. Praise God for that, and that it has never come back.
8. It may just be a small victory for me but I think one of the best things that happened this year was when I got my iphone 4. I use this thing all the time. I knew that it was awesome but before I had it I didn't know how awesome it was. I mean I guess if I had to rename the thing I'd call it the ipwn. (clever right?)
6(1). Seventh place is non existent because there was a tie for 6th place. The first of the two was Christmas with the Skiles. I know that they just went through a rough time but we were so glad to have Kristin's family down here in Texas. It was a lot of fun shopping and running around for the time they came to spend with us. (Kayla you were here some weeks over the summer so I can't say that it was a moment, but thanks to you for being awesome. If I had to rename you I call you the Kpwn.)
6(2). Vacationing with my family is always one of the best times of the year. Sawyer was inside Kristin at the time and so we were all in San Antonio. We got to go to Sea World and we got to see my cousin and his family. Also we had a reunion with the Magic Time Machine. It was a great time with all the goof balls I love.
5. Tis the season to... get pregnant? Oh my gosh there were so many people that got pregnant or had babies this year, lemme see if I can name them all: LeeAnn Hopkins, Alexa Baker, Stephanie DeLeon, Whitney Farley, Lacee Cooper, Ladonna Crabb, Michelle Morris, Kimberly Williamson, Tamara Johnson, Liz Suffron, Rachel Lee(Both had a baby and got pregnant), and Rachel Gordon. (My mom and Stephanie Sunday were very close but had babies at the very end of last year so here's an honorable mention to them.)
4. I got in a car wreck! This is a good deal because I didn't get hurt and they paid me good money so that I could go buy another car. It was such a blessing to have that wreck happen to me. I mean there are so many things that can go wrong, like getting hurt or getting run into by some one who doesn't have good insurance. This wreck every thing went right.. as far as wrecks go.
3. Right after I got into the accident we found out we were having a baby!!!! Doesn't get much better than that... except that this is number three so it must at least get better by two. For sure.
2. We celebrated the first year of our marriage. I am so glad that this woman deals with me day in and day out. She is the love of my life and I can't think of anyone better than her to spend the rest of my life with.
1. What do you think number one is? In this whole year that we have had a great time with family and friends making inside jokes galore and taking them outside where they don't belong. Where we were finna buy a car, and the man was trying to get us down, we whipped our hair right off at em. There were days this year when things would go wrong but I'm so happy! Car windows were taped up, Russ was no longer turning lights down, and Chad lost his name, Hitler still doesn't drive but when we ride along some times we see a pair of fat running legs. lololololololololololo0lolooolooool your mom lolololololololol and ARF! But amidst all of that the best thing that happened this last year was Sawyer being born. Man this kid steals all the glory, but I can't say that he doesn't work for it. He is such an awesome kid. I love him so much.
So thank you all for reading this year I hope you'll stay with us through next year. We have so much we want to take from your time and very little to give you for it... just kidding. We do our best here and we hope the best for you. Now it comes to an end, and you know me, I'm out!
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