Wednesday, December 1, 2010


After the funeral yesterday there wasn't much we did. So we knew that the rest of the week we were going to have to go through and try and clean up Kristin's grandma's house. But before we did I wanted to go see my Grandma Morris. We went over to Grandma's and visited with her for a while. She and I were rummaging through her kitchen for recipes of candy that I could make. I wanted to have some that I could make for Christmas if I had the chance but that wouldn't be too hard for me to make. I'm a good cook but I know that I won't have time to fix up anything that takes real long or is real hard to make. So we searched until we found a quick fudge that I could just whip(pronounced with the 'h') up and make really quickly.
Grandma is always glad to see Sawyer. He was real good for her, most kids are. She also gave him his Christmas present which was a Santa in a car. I will put a picture of it up here but there is some history for me and my brothers with this car. Every Christmas we would go to grandmas and she would have the Santa car so that we could turn him on and watch him drive around. Its really cool to me that we are able to pass on a toy like this to my kid.
After that we made sure to make it of to Kristin's Grandma's house. The first place we started was in the back most room of the house. Kris and her sister started looking through dresses and since I didn't really know what to do I just opened up a drawer and started reading some of Lola's mail that she had saved over the years. In the collection I found Frank and Bernice's wedding invitation. Fun stuff. We were over there as late as we could be and then we headed back to her parents house. Time for the puzzle! night!


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